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You, the trailblazer.


Trust yourself.

Quiet your inner critic.

Enjoy your life.

Achieve ambitious goals.

Let's Chat


the Trailblazer.

Trust yourself.
Quiet your inner critic.
Enjoy your life.
Achieve ambitious goals.
Let's Chat


Coaching May Be For You If You:

  1. Look great on paper but are internally unfulfilled.

  2. Yearn for a work-life balance and don't want to sacrifice one for the other. 

  3. Feel immense pressure from all pillars of your life to be all things to all people.

  4. Struggle creating and fostering close relationships.

  5. Doubt your abilities and want to work on your confidence and self-compassion.



Coaching is Not For You If

Whether you’re starting from scratch or building on an existing project, you’re responsible for your own success. But as every trailblazer knows, you can’t do it alone. Finding the right people to support you, guide you and push you makes all the difference.

But my coaching isn’t for everyone, so let’s make sure we’re a match.

Expecting a
quick life hack

If you’re on the search for a quick life hack or a short-term fix, we’re not a match. My clients are committed to long-term, change that will transform their future. 

Wanting endless affirmations

If you’re after easy conversations and endless affirmations, we’re not a match. My clients want a compassionate coach who holds them accountable even in the face of your resistance. 

Seeking an easy course

If you think being a trailblazer is simple work, or that you can change by just listening to some life advice, we’re not a match. My clients stumble, brush themselves off, ask for support, and do it all over again knowing it will be worth it.

Wanting others to make your life better

If you look to others to make your life better or to tell you what to do, we’re not a match. My clients want to learn how to trust themselves, lean into their own brilliance, and know they can do so through the support of a professional.

Unwilling to make mindset shifts

If you’re not willing to let go of previous beliefs to create new, empowering ones, we’re not a match. My clients are ready to go to new places & rewrite interpretations, trusting that with commitment, they’ll succeed.

Avoiding self-reflection

If you shy away from difficult conversations & avoid gaining new awareness that would reveal blindspots, we’re not a match. My clients learn they rise only after they reckon with the uncomfortable & face their fears about who they think they are (and are not) to re-write their script.

Trailblazers' Toolkit

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