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Hello, I'm Rebekah.

Let's Chat

I'm Rebekah.

Let's Chat


About Me

Up until I was 33, I lived a life that others wanted me to live riddled with doubt and comparison.

Before I go any further about who I am today and how I got here, this is my unvarnished truth, from me to you.

I’m a former attorney and an award-winning brick-and-mortar business owner with almost 2 decades of experience turned coach. Before that, I abruptly became a business owner of 100+ employees with my brothers at the age of 16 after my father was tragically killed.

It was this defining moment where I completely entered survival mode but couldn't see it. As I took on the role of an inexperienced and scared business owner, I also took on some pretty disempowering beliefs that I saw as "truth": I shouldn’t trust myself; I don’t know enough; being in touch with my emotions is pointless; I have too high of standards; and I must hunker down and work myself to the bone to show others I deserve what I have. 

As an attempt to prove my worth (& to feel good enough & content), I stayed "busy" and chased the imaginary goal of "success" that our society sells us and I believed if I reached it then maybe I would finally feel fulfilled, be enough, and love myself. . . . so I  won the awards, served on the public boards, became an attorney, owned multiple businesses, managed large teams of employees, and etc.

But feeling content never came. I never felt worthy of rest and joy despite what I achieved. The horizon always moved. The comparison didn't stop. The being everything for everyone didn't turn off. 

To cope, I numbed out through overworking, cocktails and wine, fitness, getting angry, and being all things to all people.   I was always sitting at a slow simmer ready to boil over.

This way of living and being killed my spirit and hindered my relationships, my leadership, and my self-worth. But, I didn’t have this awareness  at the time . . . all I felt was overwhelmed, sleep deprived, paranoid about what others were thinking about me, and like a failure--especially with employees as I lived in: "Am I doing this right?  Do I need to lighten up? Are they mad at me? I'm not cut out for this.”

I knew deep down that thriving on achievement and satisfying others wasn’t working anymore. Avoiding wasn’t working anymore.   

So, at the point I had multiple profitable businesses, a growing family, and I had achieved everything I set my eyes on, I began to shed the responsibilities I acquired from chasing that invisible "enough" line. 

From closing a profitable business that killed my spirit, to serving on boards, I shed. 

I was done being handcuffed to what others thought, the illusion of success, and to past decisions that were not actually aligned with me. I was done maintaining things because it externally appeared successful and as the "smart" thing to do.

Fast forward to today, and I am in this place of confidence, peace, fulfillment, and self-reverence while I'm operating businesses.

My self-worth isn't attached anymore to what you think of me and I have been able to break free of others’ expectations of me.  I have experienced huge shifts in my personal and professional life, and, most importantly, in my mental and emotional well-being. I love instead of coexist. I lead instead of people please. I trust and rest instead of ruminate.

How? I discovered coaching and do deep inner work with my coach that I ask my clients to embark upon. I honestly believe in this work because it works for me. And this is why I am committed to helping other executives and business owners. 

This work is about reclaiming yourself, your life, and undergoing a shift in your being through being called to reflect on beliefs you hold about yourself, the world, and consider shifting the way you live through embodiment and mindfulness practices. 

My Coaching Philosophy

As a Certified Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation, I use an ontological coaching practice that focuses on who you're being, i.e., who you truly are at your essence; what you want to create for your life; and the automatic, fear-avoidant survival mechanisms that get in the way of you accomplishing what you want.

This work isn't therapy. This work is about reclaiming yourself, your life, and undergoing a shift in your being. You will be called to reflect on beliefs you hold about yourself, the world, and be invited to shift the way you live your life and integrate new ways of being (rather than ways of "doing") through embodiment and mindfulness practices.

It looks a lot like:

  1. Get clear on your vision and desired outcomes,
  2. Examine your stories/beliefs about how you view the world and yourself and how your fear-avoidant survival mechanism is stealthily sabotaging you, 
  3. Create tailor-made embodiment practices for you so you can transform the way you experience your journey and yourself, and
  4. Get into action taking bold leaps that lean into the edge of your comfort zone over and over again to actualize your desired outcomes.  

Drawing on my training as a Certified Coach through Accomplishment Coaching and Dr. Brene Brown’s Dare To Lead curriculum (shame & vulnerability trained), we will get clear on the places your inner critic keeps you playing the same notes in life and break out of the hamster wheel you've been living in. Together, we will co-create a plan that centers on you, Trailblazer.

Learn more about my work by tuning into my podcast, Trailblazing Growth, or follow me on social media where most of my work lives. 



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