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About Me

I Am Ready, Let's Do This


I Am Ready - Let's Talk

Rebekah Zimmerman, JD, ACC

I'm an attorney turned coach, head turned heart. 

Up until my early-30s, I lived a life riddled with self-doubt, comparison, and always operating from a place of urgency. I was always "on," and my uncertainty with myself hijacked my ability to truly enjoy life or experience peace.

Before becoming a life/executive coach, my life had quite a few twists and turns from abruptly becoming a business owner when I was 16 years old of 100+ employees with my brothers after my father was tragically killed, to transitioning through 3 different career paths (interior designer to attorney to wine bar owner and sommelier), to closing my wine bar and becoming a mom at the beginning of the covid shutdown.

I was illusioned by the imaginary—and moving—target of "success" that our society sells us. I believed if I knew more, had bigger and more “important” responsibilities, and was more efficient and productive—then I could finally feel like I could be taken seriously, be good enough, be relevant, believe in myself, and could then relax and enjoy.

But feeling content never came. I never felt capable of rest and joy. The horizon always moved. The comparison didn't stop. The being everything for everyone didn't turn off.

I was out of touch with my deeper truth and unable to integrate my life experiences because so much shame contaminated my thoughts.

Since then, I have been in this work weekly with my coach where I’ve been in the constant practice of unlearning what shame taught me, truly getting to know myself, exiting generational cycles, and stepping into more and more of what it is I know I’m here for.  

Slowly, I began to transform inside-out and began to live more authentically. 

Every aspect of my life has improved.  I've grown a successful coaching business, I've created a community of real support, I've shed responsibilities and exited unhealthy relationships, I’ve immensely improved my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, and I’ve created wholehearted peace, ease, and joy into my daily life.

Sound like something you want? Let's talk.

I would love, and quite frankly be honored, to walk with you towards your deeper truth to reclaim and enliven your life in your own way that feels like a true expression of you.  I believe people can create great things, achieve generational wealth, have a lot of fun, and do it all without the burnout, doubt, and exhaustion.  

You get 1 life, so why not take the chance you’ve been pondering and experience your life the way you want? 


If you’re like me, you want to know about qualifications and credentials before you hire someone.  Here are mine:


(the most underrecognized qualification)

Certified Professional Coach

ACC & ACCC Certified


Not currently practicing

Jurisprudence Doctor

Magna Cum Laude honors

Business Founder

Restaurant; Property Management

Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Trailblazing Growth Podcast

B.S. in Design

Cum Laude honors

Board Member of Public Org's
Dare to Lead Trained & 
PeerSpective Facilitator
Private Pilot


International Retreat Facilitator

My Coaching Philosophy

As a Certified Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation, I use an ontological coaching practice that focuses on who you're being, i.e., who you truly are at your essence; what you want to create for your life; and the automatic, fear-avoidant survival mechanisms that get in the way of you accomplishing what you want.

This work isn't therapy. This work is about reclaiming yourself, your life, and undergoing a shift in your being. You will be called to reflect on beliefs you hold about yourself, the world, and be invited to shift the way you live your life and integrate new ways of being (rather than ways of "doing") through embodiment and mindfulness practices.

It looks a lot like:

  1. Get clear on your vision and desired outcomes,
  2. Examine your stories/beliefs about how you view the world and yourself and how your fear-avoidant survival mechanism is stealthily sabotaging you, 
  3. Create tailor-made embodiment practices for you so you can transform the way you experience your journey and yourself, and
  4. Get into action taking bold leaps that lean into the edge of your comfort zone over and over again to actualize your desired outcomes.  

Drawing on my training as a Certified Coach through Accomplishment Coaching and Dr. Brene Brown’s Dare To Lead curriculum (shame & vulnerability trained), we will get clear on the places your inner critic keeps you playing the same notes in life and break out of the hamster wheel you've been living in. Together, we will co-create a plan that centers on you, Trailblazer.

Learn more about my work by tuning into my podcast, Trailblazing Growth, or follow me on social media where most of my work lives. 



I Am Ready — Let's Chat